Summer Sleep Tips from Kristine Petterson-Certified Sleep Consultant

Summer Sleep Tips

Summer days are long and we really pack them full of fun. Most of us are planning trips, camping, sightseeing on weekends and during the week we add T-ball, swimming, bike rides and BBQ's into the mix. Summer is my favorite season and I cannot seem to pack enough fun into one day and make it home by bedtime. Plus, my kids get SO DIRTY and yet we don't have time for bath because we're in a rush to get to bed on time. What are play hard/sleep hard families to do?!?

Here are my biggest tips to keep your summer sleep on track so that you can soak up all the sun and fun:

Summer Bedtime Routine

Set a maximum of 3 nights a week for a "late bedtime" and make sure you stick to your regular bedtime the other evenings, or even get kiddos to sleep earlier some nights. (Early!? I know, that's just crazy talk!)

Remember, consistency is key, so keep your bedtime routine the SAME! If you take a bath each night as part of your routine, you may want to replace it with a quick "wash up" - use their bath soap on a warm washrag and scrub faces, hands, feet. This will keep the routine similar, but will save time, and drama (if your kids are like mine they never want to get out of the tub).

While traveling or hosting visitors make sure to review your bedtime expectations, tell your family or friends (or have your kids tell them) what the regular bedtime is and what they do to get ready for bed. It's fine to have Grandpa or Auntie snuggle up with them and read a book, or share in a song, but above all share how much your kids love sleep and how happy they are that they get healthy amounts of it.

Sleep Environment

Use light blocking window coverings. This one speaks for itself! Here in Northern Idaho the light starts shining in windows and the birds start chirping around 4:30am (which is NOT "morning"). If you cannot block all the light from windows, wear a sleep mask. I prefer not to have something touching my eyes, so you may need to experiment to try a variety of sleep masks that work for you and your kids.

Cool Bedroom - we humans sleep better in a cool room, which is unfortunate, because it's often still quite hot at bedtime. We prioritize cooling the kids room first with a window AC unit, and count on the night breeze to cool the rest of the house to a comfortable temp before adult bedtimes.

"Layer" beds with several light blankets so that you can accommodate a range of temps throughout the night and easily adjust for comfort. You may start out with a sheet and need a cotton blanket or thin quilt by morning if you leave windows open at night.

Camping Out

When you go camping, remember to pack lovies, sleep sacks and bedtime books that remind kids of home and help them know sleep is coming. Make sure that your bedtime routine feels the same as it does at home, so your kids are sure about what's coming next (Zzzzz).

Find a way to darken your sleep space (remember it's light until 9:30 or 10pm, but you want kids in bed, asleep much sooner than that). Use a tarp or space blanket over your tent or cut a piece of cardboard to put up in your RV windows to block light.

That said, if your child's bedtime is normally 7pm, you may benefit from extending bedtime 60-90minutes later while camping, just so it's a bit darker. If bedtime is already 8, I would try to keep it around the same time.

Use white noise - your human or animal neighbors may not know they need to quiet down for your kiddo to sleep at 8pm, so come prepared with white noise. You can buy a battery powered portable machine or download a white noise app for your phone.

I hope you have an amazing summer and that everyone feels rested and ready for your adventures! Thank you for sharing this info with other families looking to play hard and sleep well this summer. If you have any questions or concerns about summer sleep reach out to me at anytime.

Kristine is the founder of the Mindful Parenting Revolution (use link: ), offering online coaching programs for tired families who want to teach healthy sleep from the start. She also teaches in-person yoga in Moscow, Idaho where she lives with her husband and two kids.


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