Frequently Asked Questions

Why would anyone want to eat their placenta?

Well, there are a lot of reasons. Humans are the only mammals that do not routinely eat their own placenta. It is an instinct for good reason. Your placenta retains your own amazing collection of hormones and nutrients that are created by your body and can be an incredibly useful aid to your recovery. When I prepare your placenta for consumption you should not be able to detect any smell or taste. You never have to touch the placenta. Your obstetrical care provider will safely pack your placenta on ice for you to bring home. The capsules are easy to swallow and the tincture can be mixed into juice or a smoothie.

Is it safe?

As a trained and certified specialist, I am committed to the highest health and safety standards. I adhere to all OSHA & EPA guidelines regarding bloodborne pathogen transmission, infection prevention, standards for sanitation, and safe food handling. All materials used are thoroughly sterilized between each use, when not disposable, and everything meets food-grade standards.

I inspect all the placentas I receive for abnormalities and will not encapsulate if I do not believe it is safe for you to ingest. Also, the hospital staff will routinely examine and send a placenta straight to pathology if they feel it has any abnormalities. Once sent to pathology it would generally not be safe for consumption.

There is some misinformation about placenta encapsulation circulating. Many years ago a story regarding a mother's negative outcome with placenta capsules went viral on the internet. The mother who was ingesting her placenta in capsule form appeared to have a bacterial infection that was not treated and her baby became ill. This isolated event left an adverse impact on the practice of placenta encapsulation, for years to come. This is the only adverse story I have ever found reported on placenta consumption. I believe the biggest issue with the situation is that we do not know all the details. Mainly, were the placenta capsules prepared by a trained and experienced encapsulation specialist, or was this possibly a DIY project!? Even with a bacterial infection-(usually GBS-Group B Strep in pregnancy) a trained specialist using the appropriate preparation & equipment would have used a process that results in the bacteria being destroyed. So, this in itself strongly suggests the mother did not work with a trained specialist and likely did not receive the appropriate care to treat her infection in the first place! Also, the issue was not resolved quickly, the mother kept taking her capsules-not realizing they were contaminated for quite some time. I would want to hear about any side effects promptly and instruct the client to discontinue use immediately. Any professionally trained encapsulation specialist should be following up with their clients to ensure there are no side effects!

It is often the case that obstetrical care providers simply do not have much or any knowledge about placenta consumption and therefore cannot recommend it. Unfortunately, because of the lack of knowledge OB care providers may advise against it. Expectant parents who are considering placenta encapsulation may get mixed messages or negative reactions from friends or family, who may be well-meaning but are likely not educated on the matter. It is certainly my mission to help spread the word about the safety and benefits of placenta encapsulation.

What are the benefits of the placenta remedies?

  • There is a growing database of interesting research regarding the many benefits of placenta medicine:

  • Provides energy and decreases fatigue by replenishing your body's own store of B vitamins, iron, and hormones

  • Replenishes iron and prevents anemia

  • Prevents infection, promotes maternal healing/recovery

  • -Encourages ample breastmilk supply

  • The placenta is filled with prolactin-the hormone responsible for creating breastmilk. For this reason, placenta consumption after birth can prevent the delay of milk coming in and aid a struggling milk supply.

  • Promotes nutrient-dense breast milk

  • Can aid in slowing postpartum bleeding

  • Prevention of postpartum mood disorders like depression "baby blues" and anxiety and lessening of symptoms

  • Helps stabilize hormones after birth

  • Pain relief

  • Supports bonding and attachment experience-"falling in love with your baby" due to your body's own oxytocin hormone

  • Lifelong natural remedy for mother and baby: parts of the placenta can be made into a tincture and used during times of stress, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, illness, or PMS.

  • Menopause Support: Tincture can be used in the future as a natural hormone replacement for the transition into menopause. It may prevent common "change of life" symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and hair loss.

How do I get my placenta home?

You have a legal right to take your placenta home with you from the hospital or birth center. Plan to talk with your care provider about your desire to have your placenta released, while you are still pregnant. Most doctors, midwives, and nurses in the Portland area have had this request before. It is always a good idea to write this in your birth plan and mention your plan several times at appointments and before delivering. You may ask about the hospital policy regarding placenta release so there are no surprises. You don't have to mention the reason you want your placenta unless you would like. You may be asked to sign a form called "Consent to Release Products of Childbirth". If the hospital has immediate release, you can put your placenta into a storage container with a lid or double bag it into gallon size storage bags. Be prepared to bring your own containers though most hospitals will provide them. You may also bring a small cooler or large insulated lunchbox, fill it with ice, and use it to transport the contained placenta home as soon as possible, even if the mother and baby will be at birthplace longer. A support person can take it to your home and refrigerate it. If needed I can pick up your placenta from the birthplace and deliver to your home or take it with me for preparation-depending on the plan. The placenta must be kept on ice or refrigerated as soon as it is delivered. It can be kept in the fridge on the bottom shelf, toward the back for up to two days. If it needs to be stored longer, keep the placenta in two-gallon size freezer bags and freeze it until I can start the process.

Some hospitals have a policy of sending placentas to pathology automatically and keeping them for 7-15 days. It may still be possible to encapsulate the placenta after this time, depending on the circumstance. But it is very important to request that it be frozen rather than refrigerated while being held in pathology. Once it is home, the process of encapsulation can begin after it has thawed within 24-48 hours.

So how does my placenta magically turn into capsules? What is the process?

I can either come to your home to prepare it or can pick it up and prepare it offsite if preferred. I use all my own equipment and will thoroughly clean your kitchen before, during, and after the process to insure everything is sanitary. If prepared in your home you can be involved with the process if you like, discuss postpartum/infant concerns or have a listening ear to discuss the birth. You can look forward to a sparkling clean kitchen when I'm finished! The process is done in two steps. The placenta once cleaned and inspected is put into the dehydrator for 12-24 hours. You should not detect an odor while it is drying. The following day I will grind the dried pieces into a fine powder, fill capsules and store them in a labeled jar with full instructions on use and storage.

Your kitchen will have no trace of the preparation, and you will have a supplement made from your own hormones and nutrients, specific to your body.

Ready to reserve your placenta remedies!?

Fill out the intake form and pay a $150 deposit to secure your date.

We will have a conversation during your pregnancy via phone or zoom to discuss preparation and answer questions

Call or text me when your baby arrives and I make arrangements to pick up your placenta at your birth place if needed and clear time to complete encapsulation.